We offer our clients first rate HVAC repair and maintenance service. Please contact Tom Moore Heating & Cooling 727-848-5858 whenever you notice a problem. If your home is not cool enough or warm enough or if you see water leaking from your system, call immediately.

In order to achieve the highest levels of performance and efficiency in the operation of your Residential HVAC System, it is extremely important that the equipment is the proper size and has been installed correctly. Roughly 75% of the performance and efficiency of the system you purchase is determined by the size and SEER rating of the equipment, proper duct sizing, and quality of the installation.

Indoor Air Quality The air quality within your home can have a great affect on your health. Exposure to pollutants in the air may cause an irritation of the nose, eyes, or throat. Long term exposure to indoor air pollutants can cause more debilitating health effects. We will take care of your indoor air quality and ventilation to ensure you and your family has clean, healthy air to breathe. Some of the causes of pollutants in the air can be;

  • Cleaning or maintenance products
  • Personal care products
  • Central heating and cooling systems
  • Humidifiers
  • Radon
  • Pesticides
  • Outdoor air pollution

    If you notice any problems with your indoor air quality, please give us a call at 727-848-5858.